
I Ate snake Meat Everyday During Pregnancy: Mother Cries After Seeing Her New Born

One mother in China has just posted her story on the Internet. She’s just delivered her first-born, but the boy is nothing like other normal baby.

Food taboos are known from virtually all human societies and pregnant women have often been targeted. During pregnancy, woman have to pay a lot of attention to what they consume and whether it can affect the baby.

One mother in China has just posted her story on the Internet. She’s just delivered her first-born, but the boy is nothing like other normal baby.

He is diagnosed with Ichthyosis vulgaris, as called “snake skin”.

Ichthyosis vulgaris (also known as “Autosomal dominant ichthyosis,” and “Ichthyosis simplex”) is a skin disorder causing dry, scaly skin. It is the most common form of ichthyosis,:486 affecting around 1 in 250 people. For this reason it is known as common ichthyosis. It is usually an autosomal dominant inherited disease (often associated with filaggrin), although a rare non-heritable version called acquired ichthyosis exists.

But no one in her family has the disease, and everyone blame it for her obsession with snake meat during her pregnancy.

The symptoms of the inherited form of ichthyosis vulgaris are not usually present at birth but generally develop between 3 months and 5 years of age. The symptoms will often improve with age, although they may grow more severe again in old age.

The condition is not life-threatening; the impact on the patient, if it is a mild case, is generally restricted to mild itching and the social impact of having skin with an unusual appearance. People with mild cases have symptoms that include scaly patches on the shins, fine white scales on the forearms and upper arms, and rough palms. People with the mildest cases have no symptoms other than faint, tell-tale “mosaic lines” between the Achilles tendons and the calf muscles.

Ichthyosis vulgaris is a skin disorder causing dry, scaly skin. Severe cases, although rare, do exist. Severe cases entail the buildup of scales everywhere, with areas of the body that have a concentration of sweat glands being least affected.

Areas where the skin rubs against each other, such as the armpits, the groin, and the “folded” areas of the elbow and knees, are less affected. When the buildup of scales is bad, the person with a severe case has “prickly itch” when he or she needs to sweat but cannot because of the scales. Various topical treatments are available to “exfoliate” the scales. These include lotions that contain alpha-hydroxy acids.

Source: Blogtamsu

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